The Gator Print is a content creator and online digital news aggregator that believes the freedom of speech is an inalienable right that is under assault and our most pressing issue today.
If you believe that the government that taxes you, no longer represents you, this website is for you.
If you believe that main stream media is just an extension of an overreaching government, instead of protection from the propaganda arm of the government, this website is for you.
If you believe that establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats work together behind closed doors to line their own pockets with foreign special interests as they turn their backs on the American middle class, this website is for you.
If you believe that the Deep State has been weaponized against American citizens who dare to ask their representatives to put America first, this website is for you.
If you believe the military-industrial complex falsifies documents to keep America bogged down in forever wars, this website is for you.
Enough is enough.
America first.