BulletCoin is an exciting new digital medium of exchange that is currently under development. Designed with the aim of reviving the simplicity of the original gold standard, BulletCoin seeks to offer a unique and principled approach to digital savings.
The concept behind BulletCoin is to provide a secure and stable form of digital exchange that is backed by ammunition. The gold standard tied currency to the value of gold. By tying BulletCoin to ammunition, this allows a medium of exchange for ammunition and other goods. The resistance of ammunition has in the face of inflation and other economic volatility will be leveraged in this exchange.
The gold standard, which was widely used in the past, provided a fixed value for currency in terms of a specified amount of gold. This stability helped to instill confidence in the currency and provided a measure of security for economic transactions. BulletCoin aims to achieve a similar level of confidence by implementing a system that is backed by physical assets.
Between holding and trading, the ability to receive and send anywhere your store of ammunition, to stock your stash as you see fit, BulletCoin represents an exciting initiative method to build your bullet stacks and exchange for other goods using BulletCoin. By modeling itself after the gold standard, BulletCoin aims to provide a stable exchange market and potential store of semi-precious metals like copper, lead, and brass (in proper proportions of course). As the project progresses, it will be fascinating to see how BulletCoin contributes to the future of Second Amendment supply lines and the wider adoption of alternative markets.